Get in to the Spotlight
Let us know about you and your business or event below. We come to your location to do the actual filming. If you have a service business, we can also come on location.
Remember, this is about you! We want to know what makes your business special and why new customers want to come to your business, use your service or attend your event. We can get creative so if you have an idea on how best to spotlight your business, let us know. We also find it helpful to know a little about you. People like to connect with people they feel they know so reasons why you are in business are great things to know!
When completed, we will advance you a copy of the episode prior to release. Your episode on our Facebook page so that you can share it on your page if you like. There will also be a copy placed onto YouTube so you can place it on your web-page. Your total cost is $0. No catches, no surprises, no hidden costs. Of course, if you want to offer some sort of incentive, we can discuss what works best... but that is up to you!
Where else can you get a professional grade piece that showcases your business for free?